Princeton Renaissance Theater


1911 – Royal Theater

Royal Theater

In 1911, Royal Theater opened with 340 seats and a balcony.

1911 – Royal Theater

1954 – Lavon Theater

Lavon Theater

In 1954, Dr. Lawrence Van Court, whose office was next door, purchased the theater and renamed it the Lavon Theater after himself.

1983 – Church and T.V. Ministry

PURCHASED by Rev. Leonard Repass

In 1983, the theater was purchased by local minister Rev. Leonard Repass to serve as the base of his television ministry. In the period from 1983 to 2013, the building changed hands several times, serving as a base for ministry and a food pantry.

1983 – Church and T.V. Ministry

2013 – Renaissance Theater Renovation Project

Renaissance Theater Renovation Project

In 2013, the space was purchased by local nonprofit, Community Connections, to start renovations for the Princeton Renaissance Theater.

2014 – Deconstruction of the theater began


Renovations began with demolitions of most of the inside of the building.

2014 – Deconstruction of the theater began

2016 – New Marquee

New Marquee

With the old sign nearly falling off the building, it was torn down and replaced by a new marquee showcasing the “R” for the Princeton Renaissance Theater.

Historical information provided by Mercer County Historical Society and columnist Jeff Harvey from Princeton Times newspaper.

Princeton Renaissance Theater

An Initiative Of



To enrich the community with unique and memorable experiences of film and performing arts by serving as a cultural and educational resource for all.


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