By Glenn Kittle
posted: June 3, 2021
aired on WVVA News
PRINCETON, W.VA (WVVA)- In Princeton, The Renaissance Theater marquee was damaged during a trucking accident resulting in moderate damage.
According to an eyewitness report, a local restaurant was receiving a food delivery when a resident heard a loud noise. This was then followed by the truck allegedly fleeing the scene.
The Executive Director of Community Connections Greg Puckett said “It’s disheartening but accidents happen.”
County officials have found the truck in question and according to Puckett there is a plan going forward for the marquee.
“It’s just going to have to be removed from what it is just for safety’s sake. We have to make sure the public is going to be protected. From that point, we’re going to have to go back in and custom design it. The good news is there’s only a few broken neon pieces and the center marquee itself, the glass part is still intact. So we’ll be able to rebuild around those.”
The marquee is scheduled to be taken down today. Reconstruction of the new marquee will start as soon as county officials figure out the cost of new materials.